Internet of Things and the future of the mining industry

2 min read

Internet of Things and the future of the mining industry

One of the areas where the Internet of Things can make a significant contribution is mining! On 3 February, in Cape Town, South Africa, the Mining Indaba, one of the most important events for the mining sector in Africa, began a meeting point for its main investors. The industry, which has always brought enormous profits for all countries, is equally infamous for its critical working conditions and the high mortality rate of its workers. But the phenomenon of the Internet of Things can represent a turning point and reverse the bitter trend in the industry. We cannot but remember the…...

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Raffaella Aghemo Innovative Lawyer and Business Consultant, and recently Co-Founder of IUSINTECH Team, Raffaella has worked as the director of a communications agency for many years. A legal soul lent to marketing and business, she has made this combination of skills her strong point! She writes legal insights in her specializations (IP, innovation technology, communication, blockchain). Actually, she's following a blockchain development project in the luxury sector. She loves reading, writing, and movies.

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